Saturday, December 10, 2016

Don't Wear The Label

The world is run by Satan and he’s the power of the air. He wants to put labels on ppl. So he uses New Age Satanic Psychiatrist to label people with different disorders. Even though in reality everyone has issues they struggle with. Every one in this world can get a label if they want,  but Don’t wear the label Satan has for you. Your problems will get worse when you put it on. You’ll blame all your problems on your label, and you’ll make excuses for them, and they’ll never go away.
Satan also loves rehabs as he has the person say I’m ……… and I’m an alcoholic.  He wants you to be identified by the problems you face and issues you have. He knows that label helps you stay that way. So you’ll struggle with the issues your whole life.
He don’t want you to say I’m ……. and I’m the same as anyone else. I struggle with some stuff ,but God can help me overcome it bc I’m his child that he created and he don’t make mistakes. I also know he loves me and he hates to see me hurting. Just like i hate seeing my kids hurt.  I know the more I focus on him. The less I’ll focus on my problems.
God tells parents to train their kids to think and live right and to dicipline them if they don’t,  but instead of doing what God commands.  Many parents get the kid a label when its just a kid being a kid . EVERY KID IN THIS WORLD could get a label. They all get hyper (ADHD) often hard to pay attention (ADD) they all get sad (DEPPRESSION) they all focus hard or like doing things over and over (OCD) they can be happy one minute sad the next (BIPOLAR) they all talk to self when playing and many have imaginary friends  (SKITZ) . Satan don’t mind though bc he loves getting kids. He knows he’ll have them for life bc once they get a label they’ll be treated different as parents make excuses for them and the more people talk about their issues the more the kids will think about it and it will get worse as it slowly kills the kid from the inside out as its cooked by satans microwave.
IF YOU BELIEVE GOD AND HIS WORD you believe that God is a just God that pours out his justice equal to all .  All will be judged as equal bc all are equal to him bc they live in the same world around the same people that have the same emotions. He won’t judge people in different lines and have a special line bc he knows he didn’t distribut any special emotions to some and give them issues they couldn’t handle.  He judges all, with all labels off and throws the excuses in hell.
Everyone in this country can get a label. Regardless of nationality, race, sex, This world wants to label you especially Dr’s and pharmaceutical companies . The Dr will tell you there’s no cure and give you a script for life.  They would rather them have a check for life then for you to be cured for life. 

I’m not just some guy with an opinion on this.  I have been in rehab for depression and labeled all kinds of things.  I had no hope and just wanted to sleep all day. I thought the only bad thing about sleeping is ill probably wake back up.  I wanted to die so bad bc was wasting other people’s oxygen, and it got worse everytime I thought or talked about it.  I couldn’t see hope when I had a Label staring me in the face. I found hope and a meaning for life . when took labels off and quit talking and thinking about it all the time.   
I wrote this for people that struggle with different issues
I don’t really care
Ricky Allen ©
People look at me and say all kinda things
They say Im dumb because I love laughing
They say Im stupid because I jump around
Act like a fool all around the town
They call me crazy trying to label me
Maybe its Bipolar or adhd
I don’t really care what they think of me
I don’t have to be who you want me to be
I don’t really care if they think  some things
I know when God looks he loves what he sees
I don’t really care what you Think of me
I don’t have to answer to society
People look at me and say what a joke
But I can take a laugh from a lot of folks
They say Im hyper or depressed
No matter what it is theyre not that impressed
They say Im skitz a frenic a lot of days
But I will live  my life and love it anyway
I may act a little crazy but I am not insane
So quit trying to say somethings wrong with my brain
I don’t really care what they think of me
I don’t have to be who you want me to be
I don’t really care if they think some things
I know when God looks he loves what he sees
I don’t really care what you Think of me
I don’t have to answer to society

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